When developing STUMPY, I frequently and purposely delete my entire Python (conda) environment and start from scratch. This serves two purposes:

  1. It ensures that I continue developing and testing using the latest dependencies
  2. It helps to ensure that no new local dependencies have crept into STUMPY

However, every time I wipe out my environment (i.e., rm -rf /path/to/miniconda3/), I have to try and remember what I need to re-install. Instead, it’s far more efficient to document all of this in an environment.yml file:

  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - python>=3.6
  - numpy
  - scipy
  - numba
  - pandas
  - dask
  - distributed
  - coverage
  - flake8
  - flake8-docstrings
  - black
  - pytest-cov
  - jupyterlab

And then, after reinstalling miniconda, I just need to execute the following commands in the same directory as the environment.yml file

conda update -y conda
conda update -y --all
conda env update --file environment.yml

Note that this installs the desired packages in the base conda environment. To install this in a named environment, you’ll need:

conda update -y conda
conda update -y --all
conda env update --name environment_name --file environment.yml


Jul 24, 2020