There have been numerous times where I’ve tried read a CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame and it fails due to the file encoding. The best thing to do is to detect the file encoding by reading a few lines from the file and then passing that encoding to Pandas. The file encoding detection part can be done with the chardet package and below is a convenience function for grabbing the encoding for the first n_lines:

from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector

def get_encoding(fname, n_lines=50):
    detector = UniversalDetector()

    with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
        for i, row in enumerate(f):
            if i >= n_lines-1 or detector.done: 


    return detector.result['encoding']

Then you can call this function with a file name:

encoding = get_encoding("file.csv")

df = pd.read_csv("file.csv", encoding=encoding)

I hope this help you too!


Oct 16, 2019