Recently, I reinstalled miniconda and allowed it to set up conda init on Mac OSX. From what I could tell, it:

  1. Updates.bash_profile and checks to see if exists and executes it
  2. Otherwise, if 1. is False, then pre-pend the miniconda3/bin directory to $PATH
  3. Add . /Users/law978/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ to the .profile and remove references to pre-pend miniconda3/bin to $PATH

Now, this seemed great but I noticed that all of the aliases that had been set in .profile were being ignored. In fact, it looks like .profile wasn’t being sourced at all. When I looked inside of .bash_profile, I realized that the usual command to source the contents of .profile was missing:

if [ -f ~/.profile ]; then
   source ~/.profile

Simply adding these three lines back to .bash_profile did the trick. So, now, all of my aliases are loaded when a new terminal is opened and conda is initialized according to plan.


Aug 5, 2019